Here are the front and back skins that were made previously.
At the moment they are over-large, and they will be trimmed to size after gluing them to the body.
Shown below are almost all of the parts - assembled before fitting and gluing together.
From top to bottom:
- Body
- Four tuners
- Laminated neck
- Headboard - to be glued on before tuners are added
- Fretboard and
- Nut
- Bridge
- Back skin
- Soundboard
There is much remaining to be done.
Final Assembly Steps
Here is a guide to the remaining steps in order.
- The mortice for the tenon on the neck, has to be cut into the neck block on the body.
- The neck is only roughly formed and needs shaping.
- The fretboard needs to be laid out, and cut for the fret wires.
- The fret-wires need to be inlaid.
- The back needs to be glued in place.
- The neck without fretboard is glued to the body - before the soundboard is attached (see number 9 for care in fitting).
- The soundboard is glued to the front - covering the neck tenon (see number 9 for care in fitting).
- The fretboard is glued in place, over the top of the neck and over the top of the soundboard.
- It is important that the top surface of the neck, and the top face of the soundboard are in exactly the same plane when finished, so that the fretboard covers them cleanly.
- Headboard and nut are glued in place, and trimmed to fit the outline of the headstock.
- The holes are drilled for the tuners.
- Final trimming, and the body cleaned and sanded.
- The bridge, nut and fretboard are covered with tape to protect them from overspray - and the whole body is given several finishing coats of lacquer.
- Tuners are fitted, and the ukulele is strung for playing.
As you can see, the fret-wire comes in lengths to be cut as applied.
The fretboard is already inlaid - I did not do this lovely work - a skilled artist in Saigon was responsible for this, and I purchased several of these inlaid fretboards for the ukuleles that I intend making.
This is the first time that I have used such a fretboard, and am excited to be able to include it.
It is Indian rosewood inlaid with mother of pearl and abalone shell.
The tuners shown are black, but I may change these to ivory if I think it suits the finished uke better.
OK - enough for now.
I'll post again as the assembly process continues
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