A short potted history for between my last post and this one -
- house painting - outside
- grandkids
- renovations and repairs to the main bedroom and walk in robe
- house painting - inside
- travel
- grandkids
- house painting - outside
- re-building with my son, his garage
- travel
- grandkids
- house painting - outside
- uke
- singing
- travel
- Hastings Woodworkers Guild
The ukulele hasn't moved from its last known location and condition - still on the "to get finished" list.
I have begun a hall table for our Guild exhibition in a month and will document it here.
Building a Hall Table - Part 1
My good friend Terry gave me a couple of slabs of camphor laurel that he no longer needed, and I decided that one of them would contain enough timber for a hall table.
I laid it out and cut it before I thought to take a picture.
Here is what's left of the slab - not very impressive is it?
Here is a hint of its lovely colour:
Here's what it dresses like to reveal the multi coloured grain
I cut out the legs and the side rails and glued them in using mortice and tenon joints:
Here's a close up of the joint showing the completed side rail tenon in its mortice as well as the mortice for the front rail:
Here are all four legs with both side rails glued in place:
The front and back rails will have a strengthening cross piece let into housings. Here I am cutting them with a tenon saw before chiseling out the waste.
Here is the completed cross member sitting in its housing as a trial fit:
Finally with all pieces ready here is a trial fit of front and back rails before glue up:
After glue up I'll work on the table-top.
Happy shavings to all
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