I hadn't originally intended on making free woodworking patterns available until I started to realize how much time it takes to create a pattern from scratch. Since I usually create a pattern to run on a CNC router, it has to be in a vector graphics format suitable for cutting on a computerized machine. As such, quite a bit of time goes into making sure the geometry and formatting is just right.
As is the case with other woodworking plans, a pattern often gets used only once and then is discarded or forgotten. By making them available here, my hope is that you will find something to help you with one of your own projects. Also, vector graphics are easy to shrink, stretch, or modify into something new altogether. So even if you don't find something to meet your needs exactly, it might provide a good starting point.
If you don't already use a program like Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, or even AutoCAD, I encourage you to check out a free vector graphics program like Inkscape. Vector graphics are nearly infinitely scalable and fairly easy to modify. They're also perfect for use in CNC routing operations, water jet or plasma cutting of metals and plastics, and even embroidery.
Here's a simple little lighthouse pattern with a border. Originally designed for use on a wooden house number, it could be adapted for nearly anything. By following the link or clicking on the picture, you'll find more details and several different file formats that you can view or download.
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